By AMMO by Mig Jimenez

AMMO by MIG Pigment Rust Set

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AMMO by MIG Pigment Rust Set - SprayGunner
Regular price $12.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.95 USD
AMMO by Mig JimenezAMMO by MIG Pigments Sand
AMMO by MIG Pigments Sand - SprayGunner

AMMO by MIG Pigment Set. - Fine Pigment Powders for Modelling
Colors: Pigment Rust Set

From the Manufacturer:

The pigments set you need to give your kits the rusty look you want. It includes three tones; an orange pigment for fresh and recent rust (A.MIG LIGHT RUST-3006), a darker tone for older rust (A.MIG TRACK RUST-3008) and a medium toned rust color. (A.MIG -3005 MEDIUM RUST)

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ammo pigment rust set

Great to use on anything that you would like weathered with the rust look. I use it for most of my models. Great price from spraygunner again!

Ammo pigment rust set

Awesome pigment weathering set!! I use it on everything from my model tanks,planes and cars and trucks. Very realistic results!!
Thanks spraygunner for the great prices!

Randy Johnston
Ammo Pigment

You can not go wrong with this Pigment Rust Set by Ammo. The powder is high quality and very easy to apply. It will make anything look like it has rust.

Randy Johnston
Ammo Pigment

You can not go wrong with this Pigment Rust Set by Ammo. The powder is high quality and very easy to apply. It will make anything look like it has rust.

George Bernard
MIG Rust Pigment Set

This set is outstanding! The colors and ease of application, just great!